Monday, June 14, 2010

I am almost done Never Let Me Go. I have about 60 pages left and I plan on finishing it tomorrow before class. I've been pretty sick this last week, and so I've just done a lot of laying around, and slowly reading this book. I liked it straight away. I like all the descriptions of the ground of Hailsham, the way the kids interacted with the guardians, etc. At first I did not know what the book was about, the plot seemed so cryptic, and left me wondering what the heck everything meant. What were these mysterious conversations between Tommy and the Guardian, what were the donations and emphasis on art work, what was with all the secrecy? Then when it slowly all started to come all together I was fascinated. I did not know what the book was about before I read it, so the plot completely took me by surprise. I found the book in a way really soothing and peaceful...which might be strange considering the 'donations', 'carers' and all that, but there is something about the way that it's written that is so matter of fact, and so descriptive, that I could almost imagine being there. I have always loved books that 'take me away' in a sense and make me feel like I've been in a different world. I didn't get to come to class last week, so I missed the discussion about this book, which I wish I had been able to hear, because I'm really wondering what other people thought of it. I was thinking that this book was included in a freaks and geeks class, but I don't see any of the characters as freaks, they have been so normalized that it kind of makes me think that a freak does not have to have any visible signs of oddity, and anything particularly mentally wrong with them, it can be all about context. Like I don't think any of these characters are freaks because they are so human. Unlike Geek Love and Nights at the Circus which made me feel like I was in a fun house, Never Let Me Go is sentimental, and charged with feelings. I was a nice change from the previous two books. I'm excited to discuss the idea of how this book fits in with the course..I'm not saying it doesn't, I just think it will be a really interesting book to analyze.


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